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46 860 363

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+421 915 577 552


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according to art. 13 GDPR

Information for our customers and partners about that how we deal with personal data and how we protect them against misuse and unallowable usage.


Declaration on personal data processing according to law No. 2018 of Coll. of laws and according to order of the European Parliament and (EU) Council 2016/679 on personal data protection (hereinafter referred to as GDPR), which came into force on 25/05/2018 and it superseded by this the contemporary valid legislation.

In accordance with art. 13 of GDPR it is legal duty to inform you how we process your personal data and what are you rights.



residence: Bernolákova 1/A, 901 01 Malacky, Slovakia

ID : 46 860 363,

Listed in commercial register of the district court Bratislava I, section Sro, ins. Nr.. 98329/B

contact information: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. , +421 908 192 202


We determine how will be processed your data and for what purpose.


The personal data are processed in scope in what they were provided to us by personal data subject, and namely directly in connection with conclusion of contractual relation, with delivery of goods or in scope of other legal relation with operator or, which data will be gathered otherwise by operator and be processed in harmony with valid legal regulations or for fulfilment of legal duties of operator.

Way of processing of personal data protection

The processing is implemented by individual authorized employers. It comes to processing by means of computer technology and by manual way in documentary form under observance of all security principles for management and processing of personal data. For this purpose we accepted technical and organization measures for securing of protection of personal data in order it cannot come to unauthorized or random access to personal data and to their unauthorized transfers, to their unauthorized processing as well as to their other unwanted misuse. Our employers in labour-legal relation have closed the contract of secrecy for this purpose.


In compliance with periods indicated in relevant contracts and according to respective legal regulations (for preservation of personal data, which we process about you, the law No. 395/2002 of Coll. of laws on archives and registries and peculiar laws are applied) it concerns the unnecessarily compulsory time for securing rights and duties resulting both from commitment relations and respective legal regulations.


Will be provided personal data out of European Union?

Personal data transfer into the third country or international organization is not carried-out.


Will be your data used for aised individual decision-making?

The personal data will be not used for aised individual decision-making including profiling.


Your personal data will be being processed on the basis of peculiar legal regulations and purposes which are fixed by operator.


More detailed information on purposes of processing of your personal data, legal bases and preservation time are indicated in records on elaborator´s activities of company.

FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES (Legal title: Fulfilment of a contract)

If you will decide to utilize our services and to become our client or supplier it means if your will close trade agreement we record your contract data. Personal data resources are mentioned in previous paragraph.

Personal data: Business name (according to Commercial or Trade Registers), data of contact person in case of firm (in their scope there are name and surname, e-mail, telephone number, functional ranking), name and family name of physical person, address, e-mail , telephone number, accounting and payment data (European identification number (“IČO”), tax identification number (“DIČ”), account number), delivery address. These data are necessary for identification like buying client or supplier for implementation of delivery alone of subject of a contract ant to implementation of operations necessary for issue of documents and to identification of your cashless payments.

We will process your data for duration of implementation of subject of valid contract, and according to law during next ten years from the day of its termination.

The operator is processing the following personal data of his customers (of potential customers respectively) and other contract partners with following purpose and on the basis of indicated legal base:


Legal foundation


Fulfilment of legal duties onto sections of taxes and accounting

Peculiar laws (especially law on income tax, VAT law, accounting law)


Fulfilment of contracting liability (goods delivery or providing of service to customer)

Contract between operator and person concerned


Marketing (sending of information on products and goods of operator)

Authorised interest


2.2 Camera system in object of operation

Our operation is monitored by camera system with on-line transmission and a record on which you can be recorded, and namely on the basis of our authorised interest (thus without your consent) for purpose of protection of our also your property and of persons moving in operation and its environs what is at the same time our authorized interest. We have the cameras in operation both by reason of prevention and by reason of clarifying the possible illegal activity. We, company W3LD SLOVAKIA Ltd are operator of camera system.

2.3 In case if the person concerned is interested in informing on concrete personal data, which are processed by operator about it, it can turn to charged person, contact: , +421 908 192 202.


While we process as operator your personal data, you have right to turn to us anytime and to apply right to access and correction of data which we process. If you are doubtful about this that we process your data in compliance with law you can ask us for explanation or for remedy of defective state, particularly to require locking, correction, completion or liquidation of personal data, alternatively a complete erasure of these data.

You have right to lodge a complaint at supervisory body which is Office for personal data of the Slovak Republic.


We will handle your personal data responsibly and in accordance with valid Slovak and European legislations. We use aed means but also nonaed ones for personal data processing. All data are saved on secured servers placed in European Union.                      

The personal data are protected in maximal possible measure with help of modern technologies which are responsible to degree of technical development and to measure of misuse risk.
We as well as our collaborators made a commitment voluntarily that we will maintain technical and organizational measures, which prevent misuse, damage or destruction of personal data, it means in the whole string during the entire time of processing and storage up to deletion after expiration of content or after legal time of data storage.
We can made personal data available, which we process like operator, exclusively to collaborators and processors which perform administrative and technical support in operation of IT. Access to other subjects is enabled only by reasons of fulfilment of legal duties. We have legal obligation to provide your personal data in check and supervisory activity or at request of authorized bodies of state or institutions if it results from peculiar regulations.

The operator provides the personal data of persons to following categories of beneficiaries:

  • provider of accounting services which manages accounting and salary administration to operator;
  • provider of delivery services;
  • auditor´s company performing audit for operator;
  • provider of IT support;
  • tax office;
  • court of law, attorney, executor, collection company;
  • haulier;

Other bodies of public power while the peculiar legal regulation this requires.


What are your rights?

  1. 1.To withdraw a consent/approval – in cases when we process your personal data on the basis of your consent; you have right to withdraw this content anytime. You can withdraw the consent electronically at address of responsible person in written form by the announcement about withdrawal of consent/approval or in the office personally. Withdrawal of approval does not have influence on legality of personal data processing which were processed by us about your on its basis.
  2. 2.Right to access – you have right to provision of copy of personal data which are available for us about you as well as right to information about that how we use your personal data. In the majority of cases personal data will be provided to you in written documentary form unless you require other way of their providing. If you required providing these information by electronic means, they will be provided electronically if it will be technically possible.
  3. 3.Right to correction – we accept adequate measures to secure accuracy, completeness and topicality of information which we have available about you. If you think about the data we dispose that they are inaccurate, incomplete or nontopical, do not hesitate to ask us to regulate, to update or to complete these information.
  4. 4.Right to erasure (to forgetting) – you have right to ask us for erasure of your personal data for example in case if personal data we gained about you are no more necessary for filling-up the original purpose of their processing. However, your right is necessary to be assessed from point of view of all relevant circumstances. For example we can have certain legal and regulating duties what it means that we will not be able comply with your application.
  5. 5.Right to limitation of processing – under certain circumstances you are entitled to ask us so that we cease to use your personal data. It concerns cases for example when you think that the personal data we have about you can be inaccurate or when you think that we need not already to utilize your personal data.
  6. 6.Right to transferability of data – under certain circumstances you have right to ask us for transfer of personal data you provided us onto the third party of your choice. However, the right to transferability concerns only personal data we acquired from you on the basis of your consent or on the basis of contract to which you belong as one of the contracting party.
  7. 7.Right to have objections – you have right to have objections against processing of data which is based on our legitimate authorized interests. In case we do not have convincing legitimate authorized reason for processing and you will enter caveat we will not further process your personal data.
  8. 8.Right to make a motion for commencement of action on personal data protection – if you suppose we process your personal data unfair or illegally you can lodge a complaint to supervisory body which is the Office for personal data protection of the Slovak Republic, Hraničná 12, 820 07 Bratislava 27; tel. No.: +421 /2/ 3231 3214; e-mail: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. , In case of making a motion by electronic form it is necessary so that it fulfils elements according to § 19 cl. 1 of law No. 71/1967 of Coll. of laws on administrative procedure (administrative rule/regulations).



residence: Bernolákova 1/a, 901 01 Malacky, Slovakia

ID : 46 860 363,

Listed in commercial register of the district court Bratislava I, section Sro, ins. Nr.. 98329/B

contact information:, +421 908 192 202